Sunday, January 29, 2012


This is where I live. Mr. #7 lives upstairs, and a mutual friend connected us this week. I'm a little wary of intra-building dating, but it was lovely to spend some time with a neighbor.  He is ambitious, talented, loyal, forward-looking, and good-looking.

A few recent realizations about the ultimate Mr.: he will be classy and well-mannered, have experience and/or aspirations of world travel, embrace change, and listen at least as much as he talks. I'm also thinking about establishing some age parameters for my 45 remaining dates.



  1. Hi - this is Alisha's friend Chris - she sent me a link to your blog and I've been lurking now and then for inspiration (it's been over a year since my divorce now and it occaisionally occurs to me that I might actually need to go on a date someday!). I just wanted to suggest after reading your last post that you immediately find a copy of Charlotte Kasl's "If the Buddha Dated" and read it at least 3 times! It helped me back in the old days (and will again when/if I ever get my game back on...) Best of luck!

  2. Thanks for lurking, Chris! And thanks for the reco-- I'll check it out. Give Josi a kiss from me.
