Saturday, April 21, 2012

No wasted time

I had a moment of panic this week thinking that I needed to have 26 dates by June 1st to be on track for 52 in the year.  I calmed down when I realized that JULY 1st is actually the midpoint of the year, but not before I had accepted Mr. #19's invitation for coffee in Ypsi.

The invitation came without a lot of preamble.  For those of you not immersed in the online dating world, let me enlighten you (alliteratively, because you're worth it) as to the process. People peruse profiles, pick potential partners. Emails ensue. (And, that's enough alliteration for now.) The length of the email stage can vary from a few days to several weeks (or, in the case of one joker, 3 MONTHS. But that's probably a story for another post.).  Like many things in the online dating world, there is really no norm. Some people (not me) like to talk on the phone before meeting someone. Some people write really, really, REALLY long emails (see: this guy).  Mr. #19, not so much.  He wrote me out of the blue last Thursday-- a short but sweet message alluding to dinner. I replied that I love and often eat dinner (true, even though I never eat dinner on first dates). He mentioned that he worked early mornings and was done by mid-afternoon.  I mentioned that I would be Ann Arbor on Tuesday. Plans were made. The whole thing was VERY efficient. Maybe he's German.

We had coffee at one of my favorite coffee shops. Mr. #19 seems like a genuine, caring, laid-back person, a loyal friend and generally a good soul. Bonus points: he also has a dog.  Double bonus: he called on Friday. I think there's a future for this one, readers, and it probably involves dinner.

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