Sunday, May 6, 2012


Hi readers! It's been a busy few weeks but I haven't forgotten about my 52 dates pledge.  I was getting a little burned out on online dating so started looking around the real world.  I met Mr. #20 for less than a minute in late April when I was at a bar with a friend who knew him.  In our brief encounter, he seemed intriguing and kind, so I tracked him down, confirmed his single status, screwed up my courage, and  called him. (Please note, I was largely motivated by my friends' insistence that if I didn't call, I had to do the chicken dance in the middle of Grand Circus Park.)  

I was almost derailed when his outgoing answering machine message said, "...leave US a message," because who says that when they live alone? I improvised, leaving a message that could be construed as sort of a professional inquiry, and Mr. #20 called me back.  We met up on Friday for a drink and it quickly became apparent that 1) my worries were unfounded and 2) this was definitely going to count as a date. Mr. #20 called me brave-- possibly the greatest compliment someone can pay me.

He is sweet, thoughtful, smart, easy to talk to and open to adventure. I'm thinking there is a dinner in our near future. Stay tuned, brave readers.

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