Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Date #36: A Haiku

Hung out with this guy again (yeah, him! the same one!), and it was so awesome, I just had to get poetic. So here you go:

much deliciousness
serious hilarity
thanks, delta airlines

Monday, August 13, 2012

A Kick-ass Liver

Happy Monday, readers! Hope everyone's weekend was as wonderful as mine.

I saw Mr. #35 (AKA Mr.  #34 and 31) yesterday.   He informed me that he has a kick-ass liver, as evidenced by the fact that after spending Saturday at a beer fest, he powered through a 5 hour hike with me.

But beyond that, I would have to say he IS a kick-ass liver, as in, one who lives a kick-ass life. My first indication of this was when he cancelled our original plan for Saturday because he realized he already had plans with a friend to go to this beer fest.  While bailing on that plan in favor of a date would have been fully supported by the universal "Bro Code," he didn't do it-- a sign, I think, that he is someone who does the right thing and is loyal to his friends. He is also open, considerate, un-frazzlable (I just made that word up. Like it?), and hilarious.   He somehow managed to order up the most gorgeous day for this amazing hike:

(I don't know who this girl is who got in my picture. I'm pretty sure she's NOT the same girl we almost accidentally pushed off the rock.)

Two thumbs up, readers. He is just a lovely, lovely person, and we have plans to get together again in a few weeks.  I don't think you'll be seeing me before then, but I'm pretty sure I'll be smiling.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

My First Rainbow

Hi readers!
I finally met up with Mr. #34 on Sunday. (We've met him before, but only on Skype.) He lives a few hours away and travels a lot, but we've had several phone and skype convos in the intervening weeks, and I even got to see China from the window of his hotel.  Ain't technology great.

We met for a drink at a not-quite-mid-point between our houses (he over-drove, I under-drove), and decided to go somewhere else for dinner. (YES, I had both a drink and dinner on what some might say is technically a first date. Rules are made to be broken, ok?) When we walked outside, he pointed out a rainbow-- the first one I'd ever seen. How cool is that?!?!? Maybe a sign of magic to come.

As for the date, other highlights included lots of laughter, conversation, non-awkward silences, openness and honesty. It was real, and it was fantastic. I'm seeing him again on Saturday-- already smiling in anticipation.